Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Nadia Gusman1Yuliar, M.Si.2

1Siswa Kelas 4 SMAK Padang

2Guru SMAK Padang


Kopi adalah tanaman yang termasuk Genus Coffea dari Famili Rubiaceae yang merupakan salah satu minuman yang nonalkoholik. Masyarakat mengenal dua jenis minuman kopi, yaitu kopi biji yang berasal dari biji kopi dan kopi daun yang berasal dari daun kopi. Untuk itu dilakukanlah uji perbandingan antara kopi biji dan kopi daun. Berdasarkan praktikum yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil kadar air kopi biji 5,97 %, kopi daun 7,27 %. Kadar abu kopi biji 8,08 %, kopi daun 7,49 %. Kadar kafein kopi biji 0,75 %, kopi daun 0,65 %. Kadar cemaran logam Cu kopi biji 5,0662 mg/kg, kopi daun 57,4913 mg/kg. Dan kadar cemaran logam Pb 0,5984 mg/kg pada kedua kopi tersebut. Sedangakan dari uji organoleptik, kedua kopi ini mempunyai rasa yang sama tapi baunya berbeda. Dan pengujian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kopi biji ini lebih layak untuk dikonsumsi dibandingkan kopi daun yang kurang layak untuk dikonsumsi, karena mempunyai kadar air, kadar abu, dan kadar cemaran logam Cu yang tinggi.


Coffe is included of Genus Coffea from Family Rubiceae, and it is one of nonalcoholic drink. The people know two kinds of coffe drinks. There are seed coffe that origin from seed of coffe and leaf coffe that origin from leaf of coffe. Because that, comparison test is doing between seed coffe and leaf cofffe. The test result show that watter degree from seed coffe is 5,97 %, from leaf coffe is 7,27 %. Ash degree from seed coffe is 8,08 %, from leaf coffe is 7,49 %. Caffein degree from seed coffe is 0,75 %, from leaf coffe is 0,65 %. Cuprum (Cu) degree from seed coffe is 5,0662 mg/kg, from leaf coffe is 57,4913 mg/kg. And Plumbum (Pb) degree is 0,5984 mg/kg from both of that coffe. But based on organoleptik test both of this coffe have same taste but they have different smell. So, althought both of coffe are origin from same stem, have same smell, but they have different ingredients. And the test result showed that seed coffe is better for consumed if we compare with leaf coffe that not good for consumed by people, because it has big watter degree, ash degree, and Cuprum (Cu) degree.

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